The Presidents of the USA


Heights and Weights


Ranking Age Stature Career Younger

1. Height

The Tallest Presidents

Abraham Lincoln6' 4'' / 1.93 m
Lyndon Johnson6' 3'' / 1.91 m
Thomas Jefferson6' 2.5'' / 1.89 m
George Washington6' 2'' / 1.88 m
Franklin D. Roosevelt 6' 2'' / 1.88 m
George H.W. Bush6' 2'' / 1.88 m
Bill Clinton6' 2'' / 1.88 m
Donald Trump6' 2'' / 1.88 m
Barack Obama6' 1½'' / 1.87 m
Andrew Jackson6' 1'' / 1.85 m
Chester Arthur6' 1'' / 1.85 m
Ronald Reagan6' 1'' / 1.85 m

The Shortest Presidents

James Madison5' 4'' / 1.63 m
Benjamin Harrison5' 6'' / 1.68 m
Martin Van Buren5' 6'' / 1.68 m
John Quincy Adams5' 7'' / 1.70 m
John Adams5' 7'' / 1.70 m
William McKinley5' 7'' / 1.70 m
Zachary Taylor5' 8'' / 1.73 m
James Knox Polk5' 8'' / 1.73 m
William Henry Harrison5' 8'' / 1.73 m
Ulysses S. Grant5' 8'' / 1.73 m
Rutherford B. Hayes5' 8'' / 1.73 m


Average Height

of the Presidents of USA
Average height 5' 11'' / 1.80 m
avg. of 18th cent.5' 11'' / 1.79 m
avg. of 19th cent.5' 10'' / 1.77 m
avg. of 20th cent.6'  1'' / 1.85 m
avg. of 21st cent.6'  1'' / 1.85 m

2. Weight

The Fattest Presidents

ordered by BMI (Body Mass Index*)
William Howard Taft42.3 332 lb.
Grover Cleveland34.6 275 lb.
William McKinley31.1 233 lb.
Zachary Taylor30.2 230 lb.
Theodore Roosevelt30.2 237 lb.
Donald Trump30.0 245 lb.
Chester A. Arthur28.7 238 lb.
Bill Clinton28.3 234 lb.
Herbert Hoover 27.7 220 lb.
John Quincy Adams27.2 203 lb.
James Buchanan26.9 217 lb.

Note: (*) BMI= Body Mass Index
Body Mass Index = weight in kg / height in meter*2


The Slimmest Presidents

ordered by BMI (Body Mass Index*)
James Madison17.0122 lb.
Andrew Jackson19.0154 lb.
John Tyler20.0160 lb.
Franklin Pierce20.6162 lb.
William Henry Harrison21.2162 lb.
Calvin Coolidge21.2166 lb.
Abraham Lincoln21.7185 lb.
Thomas Jefferson22.0181 lb.
Barack Obama22.1180 lb.
John F. Kennedy22.6182 lb.