1924 • Immigration Act limits immigrants from South & East Europe
1924 • Snyder Act-Indians get citizenship
1927 • Mississippi flood
• "Roaring Twenties"-Rapid economic growth
1924 • Revenue Act: lower income tax, higher estate tax
• "Laissez faire" - Minimal business regulation
foreign affairs
1928 • Kellogg-Briand Pact (renouncement of war)
military activity
unique facts
The only president born on the 4th of July.
His inauguration was the first to be broadcast on radio
Renowned for his taciturnity. Shy and quiet, he was described as "as if he had been weaned on a pickle". He was sleeping 10 hours a day.
military activity
A competent administrator and a shrewd politician.Very popular in a period of rapid growth and prosperity but perhaps too complacent and inactive despite signs of a Depression.