previous office
34th Vice President of USA
key background fact:
Vice President (1945), became president after FDR’s death
Farmer, Men'S Clothing Retailer
military service
Colonel - U.S. Army (National) - World War I
Bess Wallace (1919)
higher education
(attended college, no degree)
unique facts
- The only 20th century president who did not attend college.
- First inauguration on TV (2nd term)
He was a product of the notorious political machine of Pendergast in Kansas City.
It is unclear if a period is needed after the S in his name. Practiced piano for 2 hours every day.
military activity
- 1945 Atomic bombs
- 1945 End of WW II
- 1950-1953 Korean War
Unexpectedly a very efficient replacement. Shaped the world after WW II, more than any other man. He led the successful transition from wartime to peacetime economy. Unpopular in the end, today he is ranked amongst the top presidents.